Optimizing feed-forward neural network weight based on orthogonal genetic algorithm

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Xiaoqun Qin, Hunan International Economics University, Changsha, Hunan, China

Ye Chen, Hunan International Economics University, Changsha, Hunan, China


Purpose. Artificial neural network has been successfully applied in such fields as pattern recognition, intelligent control, combinatorial optimization and prediction. The integration of neural network and other traditional methods will promote the continuous development of artificial intelligence and information processing technology. The research combined Orthogonal Genetic Algorithm (OGA) and BP neural network. We have obtained an improved neural network-OGANet, which is helpful and effective for optimizing feed-forward neural network weight.

Methodology. In order to resolve the defects of the traditional BP network learning method: the tendency to be trapped in local extremum and low learning precision, we proposed a learning method to optimize BP neural network weight based on orthogonal genetic algorithm, which not only exerts the non-linear mapping capacity of BP neural network, but also strengthens the BP neural network learning ability.

Findings. The fundamental artificial neural network and orthogonal genetic algorithm were introduced. Then, we obtained the OGANet algorithm, and proved its effectiveness. The experimental result showed that the OGANet has high precision in learning, fast convergence speed and shows better performance than other neural network learning methods.

Originality. We made a study of optimizing feed-forward neural network weight based on orthogonal genetic algorithm. The analysis of the training results of the improved network has proved that the OGANet not only has fast training speed, but also, to certain extent, overcomes the tendency to be trapped in local minimum, which is a shortcoming of traditional BP neural network.

Practical value. The non-linear and self-adaptive information processing capacity of the neural network overcomes the defects of traditional artificial intelligence methods. This method effectively combines the advantages of genetic algorithm and BP neural network and it gives an excellent compromise between the global search of orthogonal genetic algorithm and the global development of BP network.  


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