A self-adaptive generic IMM data fusion algorithm

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YingminYi, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Weiduo Chen, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China


Purpose. For the problem of hybrid estimation, this paper proposes the self-adaptive generic interacting multiple-model (IMM) data fusion algorithm for solving the model selection problem of IMM. To find the optimal solution of the hybrid estimation problem, the history information of all the models is considered.

Methodology. According to the priori knowledge, the parameter describing the model is mapped to the model set. According to the similarity of the parameter variations, the parameter space is divided into several sub-spaces. And each sub-space is mapped to a sub-model set. The model transition of each sub-model obeys the Markov Chain.

Findings. The center model of every sub-space is calculated out self-adaptively. The center models are organized as the model set of the IMM algorithm.

Originality. The final output of the algorithm is the data fusion of the model set estimations using IMM algorith. At last, the simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the traditional IMM algorithms under the condition of equivalent computation quantity.

Practical value. The experimental results show that, the performance of the algorithm proposed in this paper is improved notably under the condition of equivalent computation.


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Date 2016-04-02 Filesize 604.8 KB Download 1049


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