Method for determining and optimization of observability of multivariable spatially distributed systems using geoinformation parameter space

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V.B. Mokin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Head of the Department of Computer-Aided Ecological and Economic Monitoring and Engineering Graphics Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

I.V. Varchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Doctoral Student, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.


Purpose. Elaboration of a method of defining and raising the topologic observability level of multivariable space-distributed systems, processes in which are formalized both by analytical and algorithmic relations between the GIS object parameters of these systems.

Methodology. Definition and optimization of topologic observability of multivariable space-distributed systems based on the transformation of their models, formalized in the geoinformational space of these system parameters, into a classical bichromatic graph.

Findings. The need for solving the defining and optimization problems of topologic observability of multivariable space-distributed systems is well-founded. The method of formalization of the systems of such type was analyzed; special attention was paid to the original model formalization method in the geoinformational parameter space related with GIS. We have suggested the method of transformation of the model from this parameter space into a classical bichromatic one, for which the solutions of the topological system’s observability optimization problem are known. The suggested method was realized on an example of the mathematical normalization model of the mine microclimate.

Originality. For the first time, the method defining the topologic observability of a multivariable space-distributed system (MSDS) has been suggested. It was based on the formalization of this system in the geoinformational space of its parameters with further transformation into a classical bichromatic graph, which allows defining not only the MSDS observability level but also an appropriate variant of the model improvement, which will ensure full observability of this system.

Practical value. The use of the given method of defining observability of multivariable space-distributed systems allows us quickly and efficiently optimize their system of collecting and processing information, add and delete control and observation devices, improve the model of the system and take other measures for its full observability. 


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.5 2015 Information technologies, systems analysis and administration Method for determining and optimization of observability of multivariable spatially distributed systems using geoinformation parameter space