Contactless power transfer system based on multi model adaptive control

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Wei Han, Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing, China

Qiang Liu , China Railway 16th Bureau Group City Construction Development Co., Ltd., Beijing, China

Chunmei Pei, Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing, China

Yanqiu Wang, Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing, China

Yong Liu, Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing, China


Purpose. For the contactless inductive power transfer (CIPT) system, the power is transferred by the mutual inductance coupling, which results in many problems, such as speed, reliability, and stability. This paper puts forward a method of contactless power transfer based on multi-model adaptive control.

Methodology. This method adjusts the duty cycle of control pulse by using the fuzzy control algorithm, and thus to control the output voltage.

Findings. This paper brings in the theories related to the multi-model reference adaptive control, establishes an ideal model for CIPT system, and obtains an approximate curve of the output voltage in the ideal model by way of curve fitting. By using fuzzy controller, the output voltage may well real-time track the ideal reference model.

Originality. The proposed fuzzy control method of multi-model adaptive duty cycle may improve the performance of the contactless power transfer system.

Practical value. The method proposed in the paper can ensure that the output voltage could be kept constantly at an ideal value after the system came to a steady state. The experimental result shows the efficiency of this algorithm.


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