Iron removal process for high-purity silica production by leaching and magnetic separation technique

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S. Bouabdallah, Badji Mokhtar University (UBMA), Annaba, Algeria.

M. Bounouala, Professor, Badji Mokhtar University (UBMA), Annaba, Algeria.

A. Idres, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Badji Mokhtar University (UBMA), Annaba, Algeria.

A. Chaib, Badji Mokhtar University (UBMA), Annaba, Algeria.


Purpose. The preliminary study of El-Aouana (Algeria) sandstone quality improvement aimed to obtain high-purity silica sands without iron oxides to meet the standards of glass manufacturing.

Methodology. The sandstone from El-Aouana deposit was crushed and sieved. The mineral was characterized by X-ray diffraction and chemically analyzed by X-ray fluorescence, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The material
250+125 µm) was leached with hydrochloric acid. The study of main parameters of the leaching process in different ranges was realized. Thus, magnetic separation by means of the dry high-intensity magnetic separator was employed.

Findings. The leaching allows us to reduce the iron content in quartz sand significantly, while wet sieving removes only the fraction of these contaminating minerals (<125 µm). The applicability of magnetic separation requires further study and substantiation.

Originality. The originality consists in the utilization of hydrochloric acid as the leaching agent. Various preliminary experiments were conducted to determine the conditions of the main experiment.

Practical value. The results obtained by leaching method can satisfy the specifications for glass manufacturing. The sandstone enrichment by magnetic separation is practical and simple at minimum cost, but it is not effective for impurities removal.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.5 2015 Solid-state physics, mineral processing Iron removal process for high-purity silica production by leaching and magnetic separation technique