Evaluation of synergetic effect from changes in the structure of water management complex Ukraine
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 30 October 2015
- Published on 30 October 2015
- Hits: 3202
N.S. Kachan, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Postgraduate, Senior Instructor of Department of Labor and Entrepreneurship, Rivne, Ukraine
Purpose. To create the assessment method of synergistic effect from impact of factors on the state and the dynamic changes in the structure of water economy system Ukraine (WESU), using an integrated sustainable water use index (ISWUI). To analyze the synergistic effect that arose under the influence of factors for the period 2010–2012.
Methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research composed by concepts that are based on the most commonly used in the economic analysis methods of empirical and theoretical research.
The system-structural and synergistic methodological approaches became the most relevant in the research. They led to consider WESU as complicated system, identifying the individual elements and defining relationships between them.
The factual basis of the research became the primary data of statistical monitoring of water resources, data of major economic indicators in the regions of Ukraine, indicators of providing public with water, data of medical statistics of health and morbidity of population, that directly or implicitly depend on water pollution.
Findings. The feasibility of using a synergistic approach for assessment of the effect, caused by managing of changes in the structure of WESU in regions, was proved. Own interpretation of the concept of "synergistic effect in water economy system" was posted basing on the definition of other scientists. The parameters for evaluating the synergistic effect, created by influence of factors on changes in WESU, were systematized. The way of synergetic effect assessment was formalized and his calculation for the period from 2010 to 2012 in the regions of Ukraine was made. The results were analyzed and the recommendations on the feasibility of using the proposed method were given in order to improve the managing of changes in the structure of WESU.
Originality. For the first time a comprehensive method of assessing the situation in WESU was presented considering various aspects of the industry. A method of synergistic effect assessment was firstly developed on the basis of the synergetic approach that arises in the dynamics under the influence of factors caused by natural and anthropogenic changes.
Practical value. The method of assessment of synergistic effect created by managing the changes in WESU from ISWUI is simple, versatile and ensures the reliability of the results. The method can serve as a tool in the management of water economy system of any regional level.
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