Increase of the freight wagons ideality degree and prognostication of their evolution stages

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O.V. Fomin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Rolling Stock of Railways, Donetsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Coverage of the results of works on determination of ways of increase of freight carriages ideality degree and prognostication of next-generation wagon undercarriage evolution. Review of the examples of application of the idealistic strategy of improvement of the undercarriage of railway universal freight gondolas.

Methodology. The research employed the law of technical systems ideality degree increase and approaches of theory of inventive problem solving. Thus, the ideal freight carriage was considered an ideal construction or ideal mental/virtual object, which serves a base for the concept of freight carriage and determines its essence. It is characterized by the indices and parameters that may provide transportation of maximum load with minimum/zero conversion cost and running expenses with certain production base and plying itinerary. We carried out the technical evaluation of the existent and promising freight carriages, construction troubleshooting, and suggested possible approaches to ideal implementations.

Findings. A general formula for the evaluation of freight carriages ideality degree was formulated and worked out in detail for the module of basket. Ways of improvement of techno-economic and operating indices of the freight wagon undercarriage were determined. The approaches to design of freight carriages of new generation have been suggested.

Originality. We offered the new aspect of freight carriages design based on the idealistic strategy of development of technical systems. We gave a scientific rationale for the necessity of the development of new-generation freight carriages and made the prognosis of possibility of its implementation.

Practical value. The forecast of stages of evolution of the freight gondolas undercarriage may serve a basis for subsequent research and experimental works directed on the development of designs with improved techno-economic and operating indices (models of new generation), for example drafting of the proper technical design specifications.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.3 2015 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Increase of the freight wagons ideality degree and prognostication of their evolution stages