Petrophysical characteristic of geological formations of Krivoy Rog basin

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V.K. Svistun, Head of expedition, Dnepropetrovsk geophysical expedition Dneprogeophisika, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Generalization of physical properties of rocks of the KrivoyRog iron basin (Kryvbass) for studding the commonalities or differences of genetic characteristics of geological formations and mapping geophysical fields from the surface of various deep geological and ecological heterogeneities.

Methodology. For studding the distribution of different types of rocks on the area of research the statistical analysis of the petrophysical characteristics of specific lithological formations of Precambrian crystalline basement is made. Petrodensity and petromagmatic groups of rocks based on the regularities of the relations between physical properties, composition and texture of the rocks are argued.

Findings. Analysis of new and archival actual material, previously made laboratory tests to determine the physical properties of rocks is allowed to combine them into homogeneous groups according to the lithological and petrographic characteristics and taking into account the areal distribution. In all 36 homogeneous groups of rocks, with histograms of density and magnetic susceptibility are substantiated. By summarizing the results of rocks studding, which composing Kryvbass territory, they were divided into two general groups, which presented by granite-migmatite and sedimentary-metamorphic complexes.

Originality. The general population of qualitatively homogeneous groups according to their lithological and petrographic characteristics and areal extent are composed.

Practical value. More depth knowledge of the physical parameters of rocks allow to map from the surface of the earth various deep geological and ecological heterogeneities by geophysical fields and use the gravitational and magnetic fields, together with seismic and electrical exploration for the simulation of deep structure of KrivoyRog-Kremenchug, Tarapakovskogo, Saksaghanskogho and East faults.


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