V.I. Lobov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National University of Krivoy Rog”, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.
M.O. Kotliar, LLC “ML Company”, Electronic Engineer, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.
Purpose. The research concentrates on the creation of the mathematical model which takes into account the temperature distribution in the layer of iron ore pellets and determines the influence of the gas flow from each of the burners on the uniformity of the pellets heating considering the movement of the conveyer band and initial heating of pellets entering into the zone of the furnace.
Methodology. For modeling of the temperature distribution in the layer of pellets in conveyor-type furnace we used numerical methods, finite element method for decomposition (when the investigated layer of pellets is subject to division in cubical-shaped elementary minimum blocks, which allow us to simulate heat exchange process inside the layer of pellets).
Findings. The current values of temperature pellets were stored in a three-dimensional array that is formed in accordance with the linear dimensions of the layer of pellets and elementary components on which it was devided. The mathematical model showed the interaction between two similar sized homogeneous units of cubic form with initial temperatures. At the end of the time interval the changes in the internal energy of one unit through heat transfer from the second unit were calculated. At the same time the second block receives a certain amount of heat and its internal energy is changed in accordance with the values accounted in three-dimensional space, since each cubical-shaped base unit simultaneously interacts with six contiguous blocks. The research determined the energy transfer in the layer of pellets through thermal radiation, using a process of radioactive heat transfer between the two identical in size homogenous blocks of cubic form with initial temperatures considering that the emission and absorption of thermal energy of solids occurs through their surface.
Originality. The mathematical model of the temperature distribution in the layer of iron ore pellets in the conveyor-type furnace has been created. It allows the analytical determination of the temperature in the layer of iron ore pellets considering the consumption of gas by each burner when the movement of the conveyor band changes, and initial heating of pellets entering into the zone of the furnace.
Practical value. The technique of modeling allows us to calculate the consumption of air and natural gas for each burner and determine the uniformity of the pellets heating in the conveyor-type furnace.
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