Determination of the e-commerce security level

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I.M. Pistunov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Economic Department of Cybernetics and Information Technologies Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Risk management in e-commerce enterprises with the purpose of the risk reduction and determination of the main non-organization measures.

Methodology. The methods of probability theory, mathematical statistics and actuarial calculations have been used.

Findings. We have shown that analysis of the statistics of queries to the information system that serves e-commerce companies, as well as statistics of losses from alios acta for companies working in this field can reduce the risk. We have identified the following main ways of e-commerce risks reduction: definition of the beginning of a cyber-attack and e-commerce insurance. We have applied the methods of probability theory assuming that the number of requests to the information system is subject to exponential distribution law and calculated that when the number of requests rises by 50% the probability that the cyber-attack begins is 0.9. The use of techniques borrowed from actuarial calculations, assuming that this case can be considered as a risk insurance type, allowed us to determine the value of the net rate for e-commerce risk insurance through statistical market research.

Originality. Calculation of the critical number of queries to the site to determine the beginning of cyber-attacks is original and has scientific novelty. The proposed method of determination of the net rate for e-commerce risk insurance is original.

Practical value. All provisions presented in the article are ready for immediate implementation by structures dealing with security of e-commerce.


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