Geophysical criteria for seismic liquefaction of tailings anthropogenic soils of ore-dressing and processing enterprises of Ukraine

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M.M. Dovbnich, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of Geophysical Prospecting Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

M.Yu. Ananchenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Studentof Geophysical Prospecting Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Approbation of approaches to the assessment of seismic liquefaction of technogenic soils by geophysical data in Ukraine’s tailing dumps of ore mining and processing enterprises.

Methodology. Velocity models built on the data of the borehole and field seismology are used for the prediction of seismic liquefaction of technogenic soils at the base of bund walls in tailing dumps of Kryvyi Rig GOKs: Ingulets Iron Ore Enrichment Works (InGOK), Central Iron Ore Enrichment Works (CGOK), Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Works (Northern GOK). Empirical dependences of the liquefaction potential upon the speed properties of soils and predictive values of peak accelerations during earthquakes are taken as a basis of the methodology being used.

Findings. It has been found that the principal geophysical factors determining the possibility of liquefaction are the values of predictive peak horizontal accelerations of the soil surface as well as the law of changes in the shear wave velocity with depth. The depth of the point in the section has also made an essential contribution to the phenomenon. For the points willingly located below the groundwater level (GWL), variations of the DWL position as well as of the soil density above and below the water level (for physically real situations) have far less effect on the potential liquefaction than the factors enumerated above.

Originality. The perspectives of geophysical assessment of the dynamic stability of soils in technogenic objects have been substantiated. The given approach has been tested for the first time on the areas of tailing dumps of Ukraine’s ore mining and processing enterprises.

Practical value. Under the progressive deposition of tailings, the low-velocity dewatered technogenic soils settleat the base of bund walls of subsequent tiers. When designing these facilities it is necessary to take into consideration the possibility of soil liquefaction at their base. The given approach is a promising alternative or a supplement to the approaches based on the penetration properties, and it will considerably increase the reliability of the prediction of the possibility of liquefaction of technogenic soils in case of seismic effects of different nature. 


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