Thermoelectric modules application in heat generator coherent systems

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V.S. Fedoreiko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Ternopil, Ukraine

M.I. Rutylo, Cand. Sci. (Tech.),  Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Ternopil, Ukraine

I.B. Lutsyk, Cand. Sci. (Tech.),  Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Ternopil, Ukraine

R.I. Zahorodnii, V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Postgraduate, Ternopil, Ukraine


Purpose. Improvement of the energyefficiencyof alternativefuel heat generatorsthrough the implementationof the thermoelectric elementsin the modeof generatingelectricityat the system of reservedpower supplyin the coherent plant.

MethodologyThe estimation of the energy efficiency of the proposed mode concerning electrical energy generation has been carried out according to the classification principles of the intermediate energy converters due to their influence on the energy balance of technologic process. The determination of thermoelectric modules energy parameters in the power generation mode in order to estimate the efficiency of their use at the coherent systems was grounded upon the simulation-based and physical modeling methods.

Findings. The method of use of thermoelectric modules in the heat generators has been suggested; it may allow electricity production from the thermal emission. The simulation model of the Peltier elements has been established in order to determine the degree of influence the temperature differences between the thermoelectric module’s surfaces on the electromotive force and efficiency. The experimental model of a coherent unit has been developed based on the utilization of thermoelectric module as a standby power supply of control system of the heat generator. The experimental results allowed determining the subordination between thermoelectric converter, load current and temperature gradient.

Originality. The method of recycling of the heat removed with the flue gas as a source for the electric generation has been suggested; it allows finding an energy-efficient coherent plant based on the alternative fuel heat generator.

Practical value. The application of the technology of Peltier elements in the mode of power generation in heat generators allows providing the standby power supply of its control system. The tests were carried out on the production capacities of the Scientific and Production Association “Energy-efficient technologies” in the Ternopil region. The results confirmed suitability of the proposed coherent method in order to supply the autonomous models of heating generator plant which is operated by solid biofuels.


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