Influence of suction head of high-pressure sump water jet apparatus on their characteristics and parameters

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K.V. Gryadushchiy, M.M. Fedorov Research Institute of Mining Mechanics, Researcher ofMine Water Department,Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Brief analysis of the impact of the value and type of suction head of high-pressure sump water jet apparatus and justification on this basis of rational technological schemes and parameters.

Methodology. On the basis of the established dimensional energy equation and the dimensionless pressure characteristics of apparatus, taking into account the value and type (static and high-speed) of suction head. Actual parameters of operational modes and operation efficiency of one and two-stage apparatus investigated experimentally in an industrial environment, using standard techniques, known research and recommendations.

Findings. Presented established dimensional energy equation, and the dimensionless pressure characteristics based on it. A brief analysis of the results of assessing the impact of the value and type of suction head of apparatus on their characteristics and parameters is given. Found that the static head in the development of high-pressure sump apparatus is more economical compared to the case of high-speed head. On this basis, a special scheme of the two-stage apparatus with a static overpressure at the inlet upper high pressurized level is developed. As a result of experimentally-industrial researches of the apparatus confirmed the possibility of a sharp increase of the operational safety level and efficiency in the sump drainage pumping and cleaning deep sumps.

Originality. For the first time, based on the comparative evaluation of the influence of value and type of the static and high-speed suction head of apparatus on the characteristics and parameters of high-pressure sump apparatus shown that in contrast to traditional ideas and recommendations, the cost-effective option is to use a static head (without special compulsory increase of suction flow velocity).

Two-stage scheme of an apparatus with a low-pressure preswitched on stage, creating a static suction head on the main high-pressure stage justifies 1.5-2.5 times higher operational efficiency compared with the traditionally used single-stage scheme.

Practical value. Operation of the high-pressure sump apparatus with a static suction head is the most effective reserve of improvement of the technological schemes of sump high-pressure booster apparatus as a whole.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.6 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Influence of suction head of high-pressure sump water jet apparatus on their characteristics and parameters