Mining-graphical application to Autocad

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V.I. Pilyugin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Public Joint-Stock Company “Donbass Fuel Energy Company Pavlogradvugillia”, Chief Specialist of Operational Improvements Service of Perspective Development Directorship, Pavlograd, Ukraine

A.V. Martovitskiy, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Public Joint-Stock Company “Donbass Fuel Energy Company Pavlogradvugillia”, general director, Pavlograd, Ukraine

A.Ye. Kochin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”, Senior Lecturer of the Electronic Equipment Department, Donetsk, Ukraine

A.N. Romanov, State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”, Postgraduate Student of the Electronic Equipment Department, Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop the 3D model of the mine workings network for coal mines of PJSC “DPEK “Shakhta Komsomolets Donbasu”.

Methodology. Between the technical products for modeling and visualization the AutoCAD package can be considered the most significant. As a result of multiple developments the PLAST software has been created on its basis. Now the PLAST can be used as mining-graphical application to the AutoCAD package. It consists of three structure elements. The software product considerably simplifies (due to substantial automation of work) the operations with element visualization, designing projections of mine workings, visualization of geologic notations, transferring to projections of the vertical opening and explorative mine workings: shafts, bores, nets of geological prospecting holes with projections of their deviations and marks and all necessary technological data.

Findings. The software allows accurate forecasting of the geomechanical conditions of coal seams depending on different mine-geological conditions. Examples of seam drawing copies from usual and combined plans of mine workings are given. Diversified use of the program applications in modeling and designing mine objects has been analyzed. Technical aspects of work with the program have been given and program major components of designing 3D model have been briefly characterized.

Originality. The electronic plans of mine workings have been constructed and 3D model of development workings system in deep coal mines has been designed. Laws of forecasting of geomechanical conditions of mining operations have been established for plicate destructed coal seams by shape of their bedding.

Practical value. The library of mine workings plans describing 44 coal seams of 22 large coal producing enterprises of Donetsk and Lugansk regions has been created. The PLAST software has been created to become the full-fledged mining-graphical application to the AutoCAD package.


1. Пилюгин В.И. Прогнозирование геомеханических условий разработки пологих угольных пластов в природных аномальных зонах: автореф. дисс. на соискание научной степени доктора технических наук: спец. 05.15.09 „Геотехническая и горная механика“ / Пилюгин Виталий Иванович; Национальный горный университет. – Днепропетровск, 2008. – 36 с.
Pilyugin, V.I. (2008), “Forecasting geomechanical conditions of inclined coal seam development in natural abnormal zones”, Abstract of Dr. Sci. (Tech.) dissertation, 05.15.09 Geotechnical and Mining Mechanics, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

2. Горная графическая документация. Обозначения условные горных выработок: ГОСТ 2.855-75. – [Действующий с 1980-01-01]. – М.: ИПК Издательство стандартов, 2002. – 31 с.
Mining graphic documentation. Symbols for underground mining: GOST 2.855-75, valid since Jan. 1, 1980, (2002), IPK Izdatelstvo standartov, Moscow, Russia, 31 p.

Date 2013-08-13 Filesize 2.5 MB Download 1965


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