Substantiation of parameters of tamping mechanism оf tamping vibratory plant

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V.Z. Dyatchin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, State Enterprise «Ukrainian Scientific R&D Institute of Industrial Technology», Senior Research Fellow of Scientific and Research Department, Zheltyye Vody, Ukraine

R.V. Shumeyko, State Enterprise «Ukrainian Scientific R&D Institute of Industrial Technology», engineer of II category of Scientific and Research Department, Zheltyye Vody, Ukraine


Analytical research of tamping mechanism of the existent tamping vibratory plants was conducted and failings of the mechanism are determined. A new mathematical model of tamping process is proposed. It is established that efficiency of the plant’s work depends not only on the form of the profiled guide surfaces of ballast-tampers but also on deflecting roller location relative to the axis of rotation of ballast-tamper. A method of tamping mechanism improvement is proposed that will allow increasing the tamping vibratory plant efficiency.


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