Statics and dynamics of two-motor tumbling mills drives

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B.V. Vinogradov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Resistance of Materials, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To investigate loads in two-motor synchronous drives of tumbling mills and determine the transmission lines twist rigidity influence on twist moment distribution and its dynamic component.

Methodology. Static component of displacement angle causing nonuniform distribution of loads between transmission lines, and kinematical component, which determined as cumulative error of the open toothing step and the radial beat of ring gear, was considered. The irregularity of load distribution is characterized by coefficient, which shows at how many times load of transmission line of each drive is greater than nominal load, which characterized by uniform loading of drives. The coefficient of dynamics, which shows at how many times maximal load in transmission line is bigger than nominal, is introduced for appreciating of the influence of dynamical component of load to the load of drive. Since the frequency of cinematic disturbance is determined by frequency of tumbling mill rotation, the mechanical transmission rigidity is the single factor, which has an influence on the value of dynamic component of twist moment.

Findings. The analysis of data indicates that when the frequency of disturbance is small and cinematic disturbance has the same frequency as the frequency of ring gear, the resonance is able to occur when the rigidity of mechanical transmission is small and dynamic component of twist moment is able to be insignificantly low in comparison with the nominal value. When transmission rigidity is rising, the dynamic component of twist moment is rising too.

When the frequency of disturbance is according to frequency of gear wheel and the rigidity of transmission is relatively big, the resonance is able to occur and twist strain is able to result in annoying load.

It is shown that the limitation of dynamic load and uniform distribution of static load at drive induced by static and cinematic displacement angles of rotors can be provided by transmission drive twist rigidity reduction.

Originality. The influence of mechanical transmission on static and dynamic load in two-motor drive of tumbling mill is discovered.

Practical value. The feasibility of limitation of dynamic load and irregularity of static load distribution in the two-motor synchronous drives of tumbling mills due to the mechanical transmission rigidity lowering is established.


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Date 2013-04-26 Filesize 421.69 KB Download 1275


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