Influence of the surface-active substances implementation in the rock failure area on the intensity of rock crushing by means of the pulse loads

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Ya.S. Doludareva, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Kremenchug Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technical Mechanics, Kremenchug, Ukraine

T.F. Kozlovskaya, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Kremenchug Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Safety, Kremenchug, Ukraine

V.D. Lemizhanskaya, Kremenchug Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Technical Mechanics, Kremenchug, Ukraine

A.I. Komir, Karazin Kharkov National University, Student, Kharkov, Ukraine


Purpose. To estimate the influence of surface active agents in the rock destruction area on the intensity of crushing by the method of impulsive loadings.

Methodology. Application of the explosive non-destructive pulsed stressing to the labradorite samples with subsequent monaxonic compression.

Findings. The surface active agents embedded into the rock microcracks in the area of destruction has reduced ultimate strength of the rock undergoing the static loadings by 23–25% at an average. The obtained results show that the rock strength declines dramatically because of diminishing of the surface energy of contacts between the mineral substances of the rock under the influence of the surface active agents. During the research the influence of environment existing between the charge of explosives and the wall of the blasthole on the efficiency of the explosive energy transmission process and the intensity of the rock crushing was established. When the blasthole is filled with water or a surface active agent solution, the rock crushes into a number of small fragments. This proves the higher efficiency of explosion energy transmission into the rock. During the blasting a certain volume of the explosion energy is spent on the change of kinetic energy of motion of liquid contained in interstices and cracks of the rock massif. The volume depends on the degree of the rock massif watering.

Originality. It was grounded that surface-tension of surface active agent solutions in cracks is caused by adhesion an adsorption process. Thus the interaction of molecules of the surface active agent and the rock surface in a crack is caused by forces of Van der Waals, hydrogen connections, and electrostatic forces. The main role in this process belongs to the decline of the static coefficient of elasticity of the rock caused by the action of forces of surface active agent surface-tension increase and rise of the dynamic modulus of elasticity. This processes result into change of plasticity of rock, and facilitates its crushing and improves quality of the crushed rock mass. We have found out that the non-destructive explosive influence increases the closing of defects of crystalline grate and declines the durability of the rock.

Practical value. The obtained results allow using the surface active agent solutions of different a concentration to regulate the energy of explosive impulse for the purposeful crushing of the rocks in open-cast mines.


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