Providing of longevity of bucket dumping device in slag carriage ШВ-16,5 Д

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Authors: E.S. Zapara, E.N. Sosnina
A short substantiation of investigation necessity of slag carriage structural parameters which have an influence on longevity of a dumping device, has been cited, the algorithm of this device duty calculation has been developed. The dependence of necessary moment for bucket dumping and dumping angle, which are considers of slag pour out process, have been determined. The issues of the stable equilibrium of bucket with liquid slag have been considered, the criterion of construction safety has been formulated. The parameters of slag carriage, which provide prolongation of life time of dumping device, have been determined.
2010_09-10 Zapar
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 476.91 KB Download 1798


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