Design of braking process of mine diaxonic locomotive on rail way

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V.V. Protsiv, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Professor of Department of Machines and Mechanisms Design, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.O. Bondariev, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.I. Samoilov, Science and Production Company “Mining machines”, Technical Manager of Wheel Transport, Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Simulation of mine locomotive braking process performed by means of АРП10РВ wheel shoe brakes on a rail way with different coefficient of rolling friction and steps of rails joints through applying of braking torques, which cause over brings to failure of traction of the wheel in the point of its contact with the rail.

Methodology. Composition of equalizations of Lagrange of the second degree, which after transformation into differential equalizations of the second degree have been solved by means of the mathematical software Wolfram Mathematica 7, has been used to determine the length of braking distance.

Findings. Theoretical research of influence of muddiness and steps of mine rails track on the process of braking of biaxial locomotive АРП10РВ (mass of 10 tons) with rolling stock of the loaded trolleys by the devices which realize brake force in the point of contact of wheel and rail has been conducted. Even insignificant defects on rail way are able to influence considerably on the quality of braking process of biaxial locomotive АРП10РВ with the stock of the loaded trolleys. It is found out that influence of steps of rail joints on brake force in the contact point of wheel and rail for the biaxial locomotive is not so considerable, as for fouraxialjoint-joined one of similar trailing weight.

Originality. Use of the preliminary measured parameters of rail way, such as muddiness, crossfall and inclination, steps of rail joints est. in calculation of the braking distance of a train.

Practical value. The research results allow us to count the number of the loaded trolleys which can be transported by a mine locomotive through the dangerous section of rail way with known geometry features.


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