Ways to enhance the reliability of wheel pairs of locomotive transport
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- Category: Mining mechanics
- Last Updated on Thursday, 17 October 2013 16:21
- Published on Thursday, 08 November 2012 14:32
- Hits: 6841
V.F. Gankevich, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Department of Mining Machines and Engineering, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
L.V. Gryaznova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Department of Mining Engineering, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
A.G. Lisnyak, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution „National mining university“, Department of Mining Engineering, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To solve the problem of the low durability of wheelpairs of electric locomotives and trolleys working in the conditions of abrasive dust and increased humidity, with lots of curves of small radius of less than 10 meters, the poor condition of the rails and ballast. Disruption of the work rhythm of the technological chain ‘face – lift’ causes economic loss.
Methodology. In mines of Krivyi Rig bassin we have studied the characteristics of operation of wheels (track geometric parameters and their stability, which includes broadening of rails, unevenness in height, gaps between the rail joints), environment settings and operating conditions (hardness and abrasiveness of dust, humidity of the rail track).
Findings. Constructive solutions for uniform distribution of loads between the wheels and bearing units of locomotive transport, and processing methods of improvement of the reliability of wheelpairs have been found out.
Based on the analysis of the locomotive transport working in mines of Krivyi Rig bassin, namely: wheel set design, production technology, operation and maintenance, recommendations on improvement of its reliability have been suggested.
The most efficient and cost effective way to solve this problem is to choose the right grade of steel, production and heat treatment technology for the wheels, takind into account the wheel-rail contact.
Originality. We have analyzed contact interaction between wheel and rail in real conditions and studied the effect of different factors on the wear resistance of the wheels.
Practical value. We have analyzed the technology of wheels and wheel set production at factories. As a result the optimal chemical composition of steel and proper heat treatment technology has been suggested.
After analysis of the operating conditions of the locomotive transport and production technologies we have proposed ways to improve the wear resistance of the wheelpairs.
Constructive solutions concerning design of wheels and suspension system, as well as technological methods of rising reliability of the wheelpairs will reduce the production cost of minerals, and increase productivity.
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