Features of dispersed media movement technological processes at volume application of vibrational forces

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P.Ye. Filimonov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Public Joint Stock Company "Shakhta imeni A.F. Zasyadko", General Director, Donetsk, Ukraine

V.L. Morus, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of Laboratory, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To establish the circulation regularities of motion of granulated solidsin the chambers of rectangular cross section for screening in order to choose rational regime and structural parameters of the experimental samples of devices for restricted circulating screening.

Methodology. The research method, the stand and the equipment for laboratory researches, experimental investigations of motion of granulated solids under volume application of vibration forces have been created, and the analysis of the research results has been carried out using the methods of mechanics of granulated solids, mathematical statistics and mathematical analysis.

Findings. The speed of circulation movement of particles caused by vibrations in cross-section granular material layer under various vibration parameters of the camera has been determined. The dependence of the rate of circulation of the granulated solids of 5 mm class and 10 mm class on the size of the chamber and on the rotating frequency of oscillator shaft has been found. The slowing down of the movement of material with the increase of the screening camera size has been proved. We have established that the maximum screening speed is for materials with 1.2 and 2 mm grain size. For the materials of larger class the maximum velocity of the particles is observed in cells with larger geometrical dimensions, and it is significantly lower than for materials of smaller classes.

Originality. For the first time the circulation regularities in the movement of granulated solids during screening in chambers of rectangular cross section have been set.

Practical value. The established regularities allow us to select rational regime and design parameters for the experimental samples of devices for restricted circulating screening.


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