Information technology of the automatization formation of the non-standard products optimal composition at the engineering enterprise

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S.S.Koval, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Improvement of the efficiency of non-standard product design in conditions of incomplete certainty by developing information technology for the automated formation of optimal non-standard product composition.

Methodology. The following methods have been used in problem solving: methods of system analysis and general systems theory to build a set-theoretical model of subsystem of creating the optimal composition of non-standard products at the machine-building enterprise; methods of decision-making theory and optimization theory to formulate the method and the model of solving the problem of forming the optimal structure of products; a set-theoretic approach in designing the structure of subsystem and information technology.

Findings. The necessity of the development of information technology for the automated design of non-standard products optimal composition has been grounded. The analysis of mathematical methods, models and information technology of configuration control of production related to the problem of the non-standard products formation has been carried out. The approaches to the formation of non-standard products based on component reuse have been considered; the advantages and disadvantage have been analyzed. Models, methods and information technology of the automated formation of non-standard products optimal composition formation have been developed and improved that makes it possible to offer the best option for forming technical design offer for the potential customer’s requirements from the existing nomenclature database of the enterprise.

Originality. The scientifically based information technology for the automated formation of optimal non-standard products composition has been suggested that includes the theoretic and multiple model of subsystem of non-standard products optimal formation, the mathematical model of the task of the product optimal variant formation and method of solving the problem of automated generation of product optimal variant that makes it possible to form the best composition in terms of integral criterion of non-standard products to each customer individually and improve the efficiency of the company.

Practical value. The models, methods and applied information technology of non-standard products selection at the engineering enterprise have been designed that includes a functional module of monitoring production readiness, as well as of customer requirements formation and a module of multi-objective optimization of production according to customer requirements.


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