Mineralogical and geochemical features of zoning of residual soils at Eastern Lipovenki area (Middle Pobuzhya of Ukrainian shield)

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Ye.S. Perkov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, postgraduate student of the Department of Geology and Deposit Exploration, Research Fellow of the Analytical-Technological Research Centre, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

S.Ye. Popovchenko, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Analytical-Technological Research Centre, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To show the variation of the mineralogical and chemical composition distribution of Cr, Ni, Ti, W mineralization in ultrabasic residual soils of the region of Middle Pobuzhye.

Methodology. New data of Cr, Ti and W spread in the chromium-bearing residual soils of the Eastern Lipovenki area is based on a combination of field observations, mineralogical, petrographic and laboratory analysis.

Findings. The variation of the mineralogical and chemical composition of useful components in lateritic residual soils of the Eastern Lipovenki area was evaluated. Mineral and chemical composition of nickel-bearing strata of the Eastern Lipovenki is similar with other massifs of Kapitanivska zone, with predomination of the middle ochrous zone of residual soil.
Cr and Ti anomalies are widespread in nontronit residual soils and they transcend the bearing strata. The main concentration of Cr and Ti naturally consists in the upper horizons of the soil to the depth of 5–10 m, and less in the peripheral parts of the massif. Ore deposits of Cr, Ni and Ti are characterized by co-occurrence of nappe-like form beds with characteristic and uncharacteristic correlation between Cr, Ni, Ti, W, Mn and other elements.

Originality. Small negative forms of micro landscape both within the serpentinite massif are favorable to accumulation of heavy mineral fraction. The maximum Ni concentrations up to 3% are common for linear fault-pits and longitudinal parts of the chromite bodies, where infiltration processes are usual. Specified anomalies of W in Cr and Ti area are attached to the marginal zones of skarnoid rocks. Co-location of supergene Ni and exogenous Cr with a significant amount of Ti provides an opportunity to specify them into a uniform deposit occurrence of the ore-bearing residual soil. Development of search characteristic for exogenic Cr mineralization is possible on the base of the represented results.

Practical value. At least two separate deposits of chromite ore with Cr2O3 content from 18% to 22% were prospected. Selected W-bearing areas are worth of further study to explore native mineralization.


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