Reduction of the technical and economic indicators of electric networks to rated conditions

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A.G. Kigel, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Computer Systems and Software, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To provide the possibility of reaching the necessary level of authenticity of the performance efficiency indices of consumers’ power objects by reduction of initial data to certain rated conditions, providing minimum general costs spent on the electric network.

Methodology. We have used the numerical methods of calculation on the base of the system of equalizations of technical state and technical-economic model of functioning of electric network for the analysis of influence and prognostication (calculations) of indices of efficiency depending on the initial conditions of the modes of loading of consumers’ electric networks. Results of the research have been validified by verification of the created models and methods of solution of corresponding equalizations of the state of network.

Findings. The achievement of reliable information about the work efficiency of electric networks and the measures adopted is possible if only the accuracy of information about the initial state and prices on electrical equipment, materials and services is sufficient. The values of prices and services, and their correlation must be reduced to certain conditions. It is well-proven that the reduction must be executed by means of discount factors.

Originality. We have proved the possibility of use of the reduced costs equalization for the estimation of influence of operating mode parameters change on terms and results of their reduction to rated conditions depending on initial conditions and indices of the modes’ behaviour in electric networks.

Practical value. Theoretical researches and practical results allow us to get reliable data of efficiency of measures adopted. It allows us not only to ground expediency of the measures adopted but also get the reliable values of indices of networks efficiency which is necessary in actual operating conditions. 


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