Modelling of electromagnetic processes in transformer windings under the influence of internal network overvoltage

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L.O. Nykonets, Dr.Sci.(Tech), Professor, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Professor of the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Lviv, Ukraine

M.M. Molnar, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Assistant Lecturerof the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Ukraine

M.B. Sabat, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Assistant Lecturerof the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Lviv, Ukraine

I.R. Buchkovskyi, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Lviv, Ukraine


Purpose. Formation of the transformer mathematical model that adequately recreates electromagnetic processes in transformer windings under the influence of internal network overvoltage, and study of electromagnetic processes in transformer windings with using this model.

Methodology. The model of the transformer is obtained basing theoretical principles of electrical engineering, which don’t require any experimental study of real electromagnetic processes inside equipment for adequacy confirmation of mathematical models, taking into consideration transformer construct elements (winding, magnetic core, insulation), and mutual inductance among winding parts.

Findings. Methods of transformer mathematical models synthesis, which take into consideration mutual induction between winding parts by modelling reactive components of winding impedance with opposite signs have been developed. Electromagnetic processes in certain points of a high-voltage winding of the transformer in different modes of operation are studied using the developed mathematical models of a power transformer.

Scientific noveltyThe methodology allows formation of electrical equipment with high voltage windings mathematical models, which take into consideration parameters distribution and allow studying electromagnetic processes inside windings, without experimental research of real electromagnetic processes inside electrical equipment for model adequacy confirmation.

Practical value. For the first time Power engineering field obtains a tool for evaluation of quantitative indicators of electromagnetic processes in a random point of a high voltage winding of a distributed-parameters transformer with mutual induction between its elements, which is influenced by network internal random frequency overvoltage. The tool can be used during all design, production, test and electrical equipment operation stages.


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