Methodology of analysis and improvement of modes of district heating systems with direct connection of consumers
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- Category: Electrical engineering
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:39
- Published on Friday, 21 March 2014 15:01
- Hits: 3918
A.A. Malinovskyi, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Lviv Polytechnic National University”, Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Head of the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture Lviv, Ukraine.
V.H. Turkovskyi, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Lviv Polytechnic National University”, Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Lviv, Ukraine.
A.Z. Muzychak, State Higher Educational Institution “Lviv Polytechnic National University”, Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Electrical Supply to Industry, Cities and Agriculture, Lviv, Ukraine.
Purpose. To create the methodology of analysis and improvement of the modes of district heating systems with direct connection of consumers (geotechnical facilities and buildings) to network (via mixing valve or heating point with mixing pumps) using respective formalized methods.
Methodology. The methodology provides common approach to all elements of district heating systems and bases on the developed mathematical models for mixing valve and heat point with mixing pump and regulator of the heat flow. This is the basis for the analysis and improvement of modes of heating systems as a whole.
Findings. We have developed the mathematical model of the heat point with mixing pump and heat flow regulator within the extended theory of hydraulic circuits. The algorithm for the analysis and improvement of the district heating system modes, considering the mutual influence of consumers has been proposed. To determine the optimal parameters of input equipment we have used the method of double loop iterations. In the inner loop we rate the variables of the network’s parts and solve the task of flow distribution. For the outer loop we specify the values of previously fixed parameters according to the results of the internal loop.
Originality. We have developed the methodology of calculation of hydraulic modes of the district heating systems adapted to the theory of hydraulic circuits. It allows determining the optimal parameters of the induction equipment by single algorithm for both ways of subscribers' connection: through mixing valve or heating point with mixing pumps.
Practical value. The mathematical model and the algorithm are instruments for identifying and providing energy saving modes in existing modern district heating systems and the ones being designed.
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