New paradigm of the explosion-proof power equipment loading abilities use in coal mines
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- Category: Electrical engineering
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:41
- Published on Friday, 21 March 2014 14:55
- Hits: 4046
H.H. Pivniak, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Rector, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
V.T. Zaika, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Power Supply Systems Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
I.M. Lutsenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Power Supply Systems Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. The substantiation of the resources and energy saving principlesdue to more efficient technologyof the explosion-proof power equipment loading ability use in coal mines.
Methodology. Methods of the statistical analysis are used for transformer substations load spreading determination; the technocenosis theory is used for rank and kind spreading principles determination.
Findings. A new technology of transformer substations loading ability use is offered. It is based on the determination of calculated substation load for mining areas by specific energy consumption and further transformer state monitoring.
A new relation was obtained. It proved that transformer equipment park for Western Donbas mines is optimal from the point of species structure view. It allowed indicating, that the existing nomenclature row of transformer nominal power is satisfied, but the need to reduce the number of 400 kVA-power substations by the corresponding addition of 250 and 160 kVA-power substations is recommended.
Originality. It is proved that due to specific mining conditions variety, the use of unified model for power loads calculation is impossible. That is why for the efficient mining power equipment exploitationthe monitoring is offered. It will allow transforming every static model to adaptive. It was firstly established, that power transformer park is a technocenosis, which species structure for Western Donbas mining conditions accords to optimal. It indicates, that the existing nomenclature row of transformer nominal power is satisfied, and there is not extension necessity for more rational selection and transformer substations loading ability use efficientincrease.
Practical value. The determination of optimal species structure for mining power transformerswillallowtoavoid additional expensesin engineering onWestern Donbas mines similar conditions. New principles of loading ability use will allow the determination of factual and forecast remanent substation resource. It will be useful for optimal transformer park forming and up-to-date databases of mining complexes operation modes implementation.
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