The labor assessment in forming the enterprise personnel’s motivation

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A. Klymchuk, Cand. Sc. (Econ.),, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Development of specific methodological approaches to the assessment of the employees’ activity at enterprises in the formation of their motivation based on the modern theoretical and methodological achievements of effective HR management.

Methodology. The research is carried out on the basis of use of fundamental and modern provisions of economic theory, management, and data of scientific schools of motivation theories of foreign and domestic scientists-economists, experts in the field of HR management. With the help of systematic analysis and synthesis the essence of staff’s activity assessment has been investigated and its significance in the management process has been defined. The method of comparison is used to study methodological approaches to staff performance assessment at the foreign and domestic enterprises and organizations, the graphical method – for the schematic representation of the motivation influence on the staff performance assessment. Types of staff assessment were classified with their differentiation for managers at various levels, experts, professionals, technical staff and workers, which will determine the criteria for the staff performance assessment, depending on the assigned tasks to enhance the labour activity motivation.

The method for constructing the indicator, which includes quantitative assessment of staff performance based on the points, has been used.

Findings. The significance and value of the methodological approach to the staff performance assessment for various professional and qualification groups has been proved, the traditional and innovative methods of assessment at enterprises have been analysed. In order to solve the existing problems as for the selection of appropriate techniques for the staff performance assessment at domestic enterprises, we have developed reference classification of types of staff work assessment with the selection of specific types for workers of various skill levels and have suggested using a comprehensive staff performance assessment based on the points quantitative expression. It has been concluded that the effectiveness of achieving good results in the staff performance assessment is determined by two important components: the external component (the drives that shape the enterprise activity effectiveness) and the internal component (motives that shape to meet the employee’s needs).

Originality. The development of a methodological approach to the staff performance assessment, which is the core of staff work motivation and provides the relevant achievements of goals, allows revealing the weak points in the enterprise activity and to interest the workers themselves in correcting the current situation. As a result of proper staff activity assessment, it is possible to obtain information on the effectiveness of the employees’ work; potential opportunities of professionals and their career prospects; the causes of inefficient work of certain employees; the needs and priorities in education and staff development; selection of effective tools at their work promotion.

Practical value. The use of comprehensive methods of staff performance assessment enables to carry out comprehensive assessment effectively of both an individual employee of various professional and functional grades and a staff group in general that allows offering measures for their motivation and encouragement in the future. The proposed types of assessment allow choosing the types and methods of assessment for managers at various levels, experts, specialists and employees of structural divisions, determining staff assessment criteria, depending on the assigned tasks to enhance its motivation and encouragement.


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