Estimation of innovative potential features of an industrial enterprise
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- Category: Economy
- Last Updated on Sunday, 14 July 2013 15:39
- Published on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 12:02
- Hits: 6706
I.V. Bahrova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National mining university”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrainе
T.I. Tyshchenko, State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Assistant Lecturer, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrainе
Purpose. To develop theoretical and methodical approaches for estimation of receptivity S and realizability R as the most important features of innovative potential of an industrial enterprise and methods of its calculation.
Methodology. Measuring theory (interval scale) was used for estimation of S and R which are significant features of innovative potential of an industrial enterprise.
Findings. The procedure of receptivity and realizability estimation and the graphic depiction of innovative potential for different enterprises are presented in the article.
Originality. Classification of the industrial enterprise innovative potential features and their internal components was improved. The classification bases on systematic usage. The new internal components calculation procedure and the procedure of innovative potential features (S and R) estimation differs from current approaches and allows us to present them in an interval scale and make a graphic depiction of them.
Practical value. The suggested methodology of innovative potential estimation allows us to compare innovative potentials of different enterprises more clearly and accurately using formal and heuristic methods of estimation. Also it gives an idea about dynamic volume of innovative potential in time matter.
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