Experimental research of hydraulic conditions of physical model of sedimentation tank for waste water treatment from suspended solids

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A.I. Horova, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.Ye. Kolesnyk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

D.V. Kulikova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To conduct the research on the physical model being the working model of the horizontal sedimentation tank of improved construction in order to determine the influence of different hydraulic factors on the regime of sedimentation facility.

Methodology. Operation mode of the proposed physical model of sedimentation tank was investigated by the standard methods of hydraulic calculation of horizontal settling tanks.

Findings. The coefficient of volumetric use for flow part of horizontal sedimentation tank model was calculated. The flow of liquid entering the working zone of the sedimentation tank appears divided into a large number (meeting the number of holes in the partitions) of parallel to the flow axis and separate streams which do not mix in cross-section of sedimentation tank. That indicates the presence of laminar-flow regime. Basic geometric and hydraulic parameters of opening of distribution tray and partitions, set by in horizontal sedimentation tank model, which was investigated on the basis of the hydraulic regime of sedimentation settler, were calculated.

Originality. The dependence between time spent on drifting suspended particles along the horizontal sedimentation tank model, its length, and average flow velocity through openings of sedimentation settler partitions was established. The basic relationship of hydraulic parameters of the partitions of sedimentation tank model and fluid flow rate was determined.

Practical value. As a result of new constructive characteristics applied in the proposed horizontal sedimentation tank, it provides more uniform distribution of flow velocity over its cross-section and more complete use of its volume. It leads to improved hydraulic conditions of sedimentation constructions and intensification of the waste water purification process, thereby increasing the efficiency of industrial waste water treatment from mechanical impurities.


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