Water supply systems in settlements of Ukraine

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Т.V. Babenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Electronics and Information Technologies, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine

Yu.V. Pochta, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Electronics and Information Technologies, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine


Рurpose. To analyze the problems of water supply / water consumption with the aim of synthesis of models for prediction of the parameters of the technological system.

Findings. The study of systems of water supply / water consumption led to the conclusion that the large values of unit costs in many cases are caused by complexity of large technical systems, not a linear process, and as a consequence, the complexity of their modeling, as well as the lack of effective technical systems, low-skilled operating personnel and low level of automation of water supply system.

Originality. Synthesis of efficient systems for process control of water supply / water consumption requires developing predictive models that take into account the nonlinearity of the considered processes.

Practical value. Estimation of the feasibility of water cost per unit cut for households and industrial facilities through the development of effective automated water supply systems.


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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