Prerequisites and prospects for normalization of thermal conditions in headings of deep mines of Donets basin
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Monday, 30 April 2018 13:31
- Published on Friday, 30 October 2015 22:56
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V.A. Boyko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Based on the analysis of possible ways of improvement of the microclimate of mine tunnels in deep mines of Donets basin we have found that the plans and tools applied for the normalization of the thermal conditions in mine workings through cold air supply have exhausted their capacity and are not able to provide normal thermal conditions for miners at the depths exceeding 1,300 m. The required high progress rate and the nesessity to remove great heat flow from the rocks surrounding the mine workings force us to assign the basic function of the delivery of cold and heat removal to the water. The schemes and methods of the preliminary cooling and the cooling combined with drivage, and the methods of accelerated formation of thermalequalizing shells around the workings have been developed as means of reduction of heat flow into the tunnels; their design-basis has been justified. It is shown that the program of the thermal conditions normalization at deep levels of mines should be addressed as a part of the problem of creation of a mine of the future that provides extraction and utilizing of heat of the Earth’s interior together with mining of coal.
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