Infrasonic methods and technology: innovative approach to intensify mining practices

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Yu.G. Agafonov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Mining University, Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Russia.

O.L. Dudchenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Mining University, Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Russia.

G.B. Fedorov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Mining University, Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Russia.


Purpose. Development of ultrasonic methods and technology for more intense and higher quality treatment of mining plants effluents, as well as for fine classification of finely-divided suspension.

Methodology. |We studied different filter materials basing on hydrodynamic situation results and movement of suspension under the influence of infrasonic vibration. We analyzed the filtration efficiency and fineness dependence on vibration amplitude and frequency.

Findings. It was found that infrasound vibration increases filtration performance and efficiency of fine particles extraction. Efficiency of wastewater treatment depends on filtering element characteristics, vibration speed and frequency.

Originality. Application of vibroacoustic impact to get high energy values on molecular level in large operating volumes for intensification of liquid-phase processes.

Practical value. The studies have resulted into the development and construction of the units for effluent waters treatment, which were tested in industrial environment. The results of the tests showed good prospects of their application for slime services of mining companies.


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Woolsey, J.R. and Shkundin, S.Z. (2000), “Self-cleaning acoustic screen filter system for mine waste water”, Environmental Issues and Management of waste in Energy and Mineral Production, Rotterdam, pp. 361–367.

2. Дудченко О.Л. Виброакустический способ очистки сточных вод промышленных предприятий / О.Л. Дудченко,
Г.Б. Федоров // Экология и развитие общества. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 35–38

Dudchenko, O.L. and Fedorov, G.B. (2012), “The vibro-acoustic method of industrial enterprises sewages treatment”, Ecology and Sustainable Development, no. 1, pp. 35–38

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