The study of the filtering respirator breathing resistance under cyclic current of air

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S.I. Cheberiachko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Determination of the theoretical dependence for the calculation of the pressure drop in disposable dust respirators under the cyclic flow of air with the aim of establishing the basic parameters affecting the ergonomics and protective characteristics of personal respiratory equipment.

Methodology. To study the process of laminar air flow in porous media we have used the simplified Navier-Stokes equations in the form of Euler with the fictitious mass forces of the Zhukovsky resistance.

Findings. We have considered the theory of the cyclical passage of the laminar air flow through the porous material on the basis of the Navier-Stokes equations. We have determined the dependence of the pressure drop in personal respiratory equipment on the cyclical flow of air taking into account the volume and frequency of person’s breathing, and the filter layer parameters, the coefficient of penetration and porosity of the filter layer. We have proved that the growth of air consumption through the respirator leads to uneven air pressure on its parts. This increases the pressure drop of respirator. We have determined the main parameters reducing the breathing resistance of personal respiratory equipment. We have obtained the dependence of the penetration rate on the porosity of filter layer. It can be used to maximize the effectiveness of protection respirator due to uniform distribution of the filtration rate on the height of the disposable half-mask respirator with different frequency of breathing.

Originality. The achievement of the uniform distribution of the filtration rate on height of the disposable filter half-mask while increase of air consumption is possible by the way of reducing the porosity of the filter layer, while ensuring the minimum rate of penetration of the respirator.

Practical value. We have determined the optimal values of porosity of the filter layer to ensure minimum pressure drop for dust mask Lepestok.




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