Optimization of the methods of nonpolluting biomineral fertilizers production

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A.R. Ocheretnyuk, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical Unіversity, Postgraduate Student, Dnіprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine.

N.D. Voloshin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical unіversity, Head of the Department of Chemistry of Inorganic Substances, Dnіprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine.

V.V. Karmazіna, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical unіversity, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Management, Economics, Sociology, and Philology; Department of Computer Science and Computer Technology, Dnіprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To study the effect of preliminary chemical and mechanical treatment of anaerobically fermented recycled material mixture on the dynamics and speed of biogas discharge by the method of regression analysis and laboratory studies. To determine the impact of factors affecting the quality of the process of anaerobic digestion, in particular the dynamics and speed of biogas discharge, based on the results received.

Methodology. We have applied the method of anaerobic digestion of biomineral mixture to produce environmentally safe biomineral fertilizers from the mixture of chicken manure, compacted sludge, and phosphorus sewage sludge. We have studied the effect of pre-treatment of biomineral mixture by calcium-containing sludge and dispersing on the intensity of anaerobic fermentation processes, biogas discharge to produce biomineral fertilizer.

Findings. The mathematical models of the processes of anaerobic fermentation of biomineral mixture have been developed; their relevance has been proved by experimental data. We have found out that the most effective way to optimize the biomineral fertilizer production technology is the method of pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge and dispersion with further heating. The method of pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge with biomineral mixture heating is almost as effective as the first one. The method of pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge and dispersing without further mixture heating is less effective, but in comparison with the classical method (without pre-treatment), it can be applied in the period from May to September, which will save energy.

Originality. Using regression analysis method we have studied the influence of pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge, dispersing, and following heating of the biomineral mixture on the speed and dynamics of biogas discharge.

Practical value. The mathematical correlations of biomineral fertilizer production through anaerobic fermentation of biomineral mixture and its pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge, dispersion followed by mixture heating, can be used to calculate the optimal methods of fermentation mixture pre-treatment in the industry. The positive effect of pre-treatment by calcium-containing sludge and dispersing without further heating on the speed and dynamics of biogas discharge has been discovered. Its implementation allows reducing power consumption of industrial production process during the period from May to September.




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