Informational content of the soil magnetism indicators for ecological tasks solving
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Monday, 21 July 2014 14:47
- Published on Tuesday, 24 December 2013 15:37
- Hits: 4475
A.I. Menshov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Geology Research Fellow, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Environmental industry is the well-studied area of the soil magnetism informational content investigation. This direction is often called environmental magnetism. Soil pollution mapping as an indicator of technogenic and anthropogenic influence on the area is among the main tasks. The main objects are heavy metals and other chemical compounds. They pollute the environment and are dangerous for human life.
Purpose. To study the magnetic properties of the polluted soils affected by different technogenic sources.
Methodology. The field stage of work includes following: ecological and soil investigation, measuring of the volume magnetic susceptibility with field kappameters, and soil sampling. Laboratory studies consist of mass-specific magnetic susceptibility measuring with kappameters AGICO, MS-2; measuring of magnetization, magnetic parameters of the hysteresis loop with the rock generator and special magnetometer equipment; determination of elemental composition; electron magnetic microscopy. The last stage performs a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the information.
Findings. The results of the investigation of the polluted soils magnetic properties in Ukrainian cities are presented. The examples of the environmental magnetism investigation abroad are reviewed. The magnetic susceptibility of the polluted soils (urbanozems) appears increased in the upper humus horizons (A). The magnetic mineralogy study indicates that new magnetic particles (PM particles) are formed during the high-temperature processes. The clear correlation between the magnetic susceptibility and the lead, zinc, and copper content in the polluted soils has been found out.
Originality. The relation between the magnetic susceptibility and the level of human impact on the urban territories of Ukraine has been determined. Heavy metals are often glued to the surface of ferromagnetic materials, get into the structure of the crystal lattice in the process of high-technological processes, and then these compounds accumulate in soils.
Practical value. We associate the future soil magnetism informational content investigations are associated with the development of the optimal technology of the urban area soil mapping. Environmental magnetic investigation is an express, low-cost and high-performance technology allowing us to assess technogenic and anthropogenic impact on the environment.
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