Study of spillage formation during operation of belt conveyor
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 July 2014 21:57
- Published on Thursday, 17 October 2013 11:39
- Hits: 3911
V.I. Golinko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
I.O. Luts, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To study sticking of manganous ore on the conveyer band and to determine the major factors influencing processes of interaction of clay particles and working surface of the conveyer band. To study the intensity of spillage and determine the minimum time interval between cleaning during the process of transportation of manganous ore by the band conveyor. To study the dependence of increase of the dust content in air on presence of spilled ore in the under band space.
Methodology. The technique of industrial research consisted in choosing and marking gauge platforms at regular distances along the conveyer line. The distance between adjacent roller supports on the top branch is 1.4 m, and the same on the bottom branch is 2.8 m. The gauge platforms were located under both branches of the conveyor, and their width was accepted to be equal to overlap sheets, and their length was equal to the roller supports spacing. During the research the operating time of the conveyor and its productivity has been fixed, and the performance of clearing devices has been considered. The ore spilled on gauge platforms has been weighted weekly.
Findings. We have found out the relation of intensity of spillage: the relation of weight of spilled ore from one square metre of loaded and unloaded branches of the conveyor to its productivity. Mathematical processing of the data allowed to determine the empirical dependences defining the daily intensity of spillage as the function of length of the conveyor band.
Originality. We have studied the intensity of accumulation of spilled ore in the under band space.
Practical value. We have developed the technique allowing us to assess the intensity of accumulation of spilled ore along the conveyor band taking into account its productivity, width of the band, efficiency of cleaning and band centering, to determine its influence on the dust concentration in the air and to predict periodicity of cleaning.
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