Anomaly of the natural constant electric field of large magnitude in technogenically disturbed layers of anthracite
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- Category: Contens №5 2020
- Last Updated on 31 October 2020
- Published on 30 October 2020
- Hits: 3207
N. E. Fomenko,, Institute of Earth Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020, (5): 011-016
In the Eastern Donbass, a large positive anomaly of a constant natural electric field (NF) (with an intensity of up to 2500 mV and a width of more than 1 km) was obtained on the mining branch of a mine that was liquidated by wet conservation method, developing coal seams of A1-grade anthracite. Repeated (control) measurements made two months later confirmed the presence of this anomaly. The author’s interpretation of the existing natural phenomenon is reduced to a multi-level, step-by-step analysis of the conditions for the formation of the field of natural potentials in the massifs of coal-bearing rocks technologically and tectonically disturbed by mining.
Purpose. To identify regularities of the formation of a positive anomaly of a constant natural electric field of a large magnitude on the mining branch of a liquidated mine.
Methodology. Field geophysical work using natural field methods and electropotential tomographic sounding. Multi-level, step-by-step analysis of the conditions for the formation of the field of natural potentials in the massifs of coal-bearing rocks technogenically and tectonically disturbed by mining.
Findings. A model of a hydroelectrokinetic section is developed in which the developed space is represented by a watered extended and power-varying flat layer of multi-block fractured rocks with the formation of a water-absorbing funnel at the site of tectonic disturbance, as a structure of high-speed absorption of mine water, resulting in the formation of a positive NF anomaly of more than 2, 3 Volt.
Originality. Detection and justification of the formation of a positive anomaly of the natural constant electric field, which is unique by its intensity and width, on the territory of the mining branch of the liquidated coal mine in the Eastern Donbass.
Practical value. The uniqueness of the identified positive NF anomaly initiates a discussion about the nature of its formation and proves the feasibility of using the natural field method in solving problems of hydroecological, gas, and other types of monitoring in coal regions.
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