Corrosion Protection of Metal Support With Use of Gunite

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Kovalenko, V.V. (2012), Zashchita metallicheskoy krepi ot korrozii s ispolzovaniyem torket-betona [Corrosion Protection of Metal Support With Use of Gunite], Dnipropetrovsk Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 107 p. ISBN 978-966-350-324-0

This paper analyzes the factors affecting the corrosion of metal support in mines. On the basis of accelerated corrosion tests the dependence of corrosion on the presence of scale, mineralized mine water, and changes in the rate of corrosion of the existing loads have been determined. This allows us to predict the corrosion in given conditions. An alignment chart for determining the change in the carrying capacity of special interchangeable profiles over the maintenance life in conditions of coal mines of PSC DTEK enterprises “Dobropolyeugol” and “Pavlogradugol” has been made. We have developed the mixture of sprayed concrete in which fly ash was used as cement. An analysis of the protective effect of concrete coating to the metal lining has been carried out.
The monograph is intended for scientific and engineering staff of institutions and mining companies. It can be used by postgraduate students and university students.


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
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