Control and Power Supply of Magnetic Levitation Transport Systems

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Dzenzersky V.A, Plaksin S.V., Pogorelaya L.M., Toldaev V.G., Shkil Yu.V. Control and Power Supply of Magnetic Levitation Transport Systems. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2014. – 280 p.


The monograph is devoted to the development of the magnetoplan motion control system that is based on precise phase-measuring radio-navigation subsystem, integrated with distributed photovoltaic power system of the active track structure.The control system allows determination of the location of the magnetic levitation train with the accuracy of 10–20 cm at a speed of around 500 km/h and exercise controloverlinear motor traction sections synchronously with the magnet train passing over them. The solar energy potential of the magnetic levitation train belt linehas been determined. The capacity of the trunk has been estimated. It has been proved that solar energy, as an alternative source, is enough to power the all-Ukrainian Maglev trains belt line.

The object of the study is the stable and reliable control of high-speed technological processes.

For radiophysicists working in the field of high-speed control systems, and engineers involved in the development of microwave equipment and specific on-board systems, including photovoltaic power systems, as well as post-graduate students and students of radioelectronics branch of study.



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