Content №5 2022

Geology 5
I. S. Nikitenko, V. N. Stepanchuk, V. I. Ganotskiy On the earliest evidence of the middle Dnipro area non-flint rocks use 5
T. G. Shendrik, N. I. Dunayevska, A. I. Fateyev, A. K. Tsaryuk, V. P. Yelahin Phenomena and mechanism of slagging and corrosion in energy use of coal with a high content of salts 12
Mining 20
B. Akhymbayeva, D. Nauryzbayeva, B. Mauletbekova, J. Ismailova Peculiarities of drilling hard rocks using hydraulic shock technology 20
B. Yu. Sobko, O. V. Lozhnikov, M. O. Chebanov, D. V. Vinivitin Substantiation of the optimal parameters of the bench elements and slopes of iron ore pits 26
A. M. Buchynskyi, M. Ya. Buchynskyi, M. I. Vasylchenko Forecasting the technical efficiency of mobile workover rigs 33
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 39
T. Tahri, N. Bezzi, A. Bouzenzana, K. M. Benghadab, A. Benselhoub Use of natural phosphate wastes in the manufacture of construction bricks 39
O. V. Burchak, V. V. Sobolev, K. A. Bezruchko, O. S. Kovrov, A. V. Kurliak, K. Jach Impact of weak electromagnetic fields on the properties of coal substance 46
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 54
O. V. Fomin, A. O. Lovska, A. M. Fomina, S. M. Turpak, S. V. Hrytsai Load of the wagon-platform for transportation of bulk cargoes 54
K. S. Zabolotnyi, O. L. Zhupiiev, V. V. Symonenko Substantiating the methods for calculating the split cylindrical drums of mine hoisting machines with increased rope capacity 60
Power Supply Technologies 68
O. V. Lazarenko, O. Yu. Pazen, R. Yu. Sukach, V. I. Pospolitak Experimental evaluation of fire hazard of lithium-ion battery during its mechanical damage 68

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