Content №5 2021

Geology 5
N. S. Askarova, A. T. Roman, V. S. Portnov, A. N. Kpobayeva Feature space of the Atasu type deposits (Сentral Kazakhstan) 5
A. N. Kopobayeva, V. S. Portnov, S. P. Kim, A. Amangeldykyzy, N. S. Askarova Tectonic factors of impurity elements accumulation at the Shubarkol coal deposit (Kazakhstan) 11
B. B. Amralinova, O. V. Frolova, I. E. Mataibaeva, B. B. Agaliyeva, S. V. Khromykh Mineralization of rare metals in the lakes of East Kazakhstan 16
Mining 22
A. P. Akinola, T. B. Afeni, R. A. Osemenam Surface modelling by geoid determination for flood control of Ewekoro limestone deposit (Nigeria) 22
O. O. Shustov, A. V. Pavlychenko, O. P. Bielov, A. A. Adamchuk, O. O. Borysovska Calculation of the overburden ratio by the method of financial and mathematical averaged costs 30
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 37
Zarife Bajraktari-Gashi, Muharrem Zabeli, Erard Morina Determination of adhesion stages of the Fe-Ni ore at the Ferronikeli plant in Drenas 37
Geotechnical and Mining ­Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 43
Yu. N. Linnik, V. Yu. Linnik, S. A. Prokopenko, A. Zich Formation mechanisms of maximal loads on cutters and cutting heads of coal mining machines 43
O. V. Osadchuk, A. O. Semenov, O. S. Zviahin, O. O. Semenova, A. V. Rudyk Increasing the sensitivity of measurement of a moisture content in crude oil 49
S. Feltane, S. Yahyaoui, A. Hafsaoui, A. Boussaid Signal processing application for vibration generated by blasting in tunnels 54
Khaleel Abushgair Elastic, inelastic and time constant measurement for M102 (AL–C–O) dispersions-reinforced aluminum alloys 61

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