Content №5 2024

Geology 5
Z. B. Bekeshova, B. T. Ratov, A. K. Sudakov, K. A. Kozhakhmet, D. A. Sudakova Assessment of the oil and gas potential of the eastern edge of the Northern Ustyurt using new geophysical data 5
Mining 12
V. S. Morkun, N. V. Morkun, S. М. Hryshchenko, Ye. Ye. Bobrov, A. A. Haponenko Modeling of drilling tool vibration in the process of drilling blast wells 12
P. B. Saik, M. H. Berdnyk Mathematical model for heat transfer during underground coal gasification process 19
L. Bouterfif, A. Hafsaoui, I. Zeriri, M. Attia, A. Idres Prediction of rock fragmentation in the Boukhadra’s mine conditions 25
V. H. Lozynskyi, V. S. Falshtynskyi Analytical justification of the thermochemical interaction between blast reagents and carbon-containing products under the influence of magnetic fields 30
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 37
A. V. Rusanov, A. O. Kostikov, V. O. Tarasova, R. A. Rusanov, S. P. Tretiak The concept of creating a maneuverable power plant based on a small modular reactor 37
I. Matsiuk, O. Fedoskina, I. Sokolov Substantiation of rational design parameters of a crusher with two movable jaws 45
S. Koshel, V. Dvorzhak, H. Koshel, M. Zalyubovskii, I. Panasiuk Analysis of the third class mechanism using the modeling method in the Mathcad software environment 51
V. Symonenko, K. Zabolotnyi, O. Panchenko Methodology for determining the heat distribution in disc brakes of mine hoisting machines 59

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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