Content №6 2022

Mining 5
S. K. Moldabayev, Zh. Zh. Sultanbekova, A. A. Adamchuk, N. O. Sarybaev, A. N. Nurmanova Technology of an open pit refinement under limit stability of sides 5
Yu. O. Zhulai, D. D. Zahovailova Energy efficient technologies for the mining industry 11
Sh. Aitkazinova, O. Sdvyzhkova, N. Imansakipova, D. Babets, D. Klymenko Mathematical modeling the quarry wall stability under conditions of heavily jointed rocks 18
A. Shakenov, A. Sadkowski, I. Stolpovskikh Haul road condition impact on tire life of mining dump truck 25
V. Falshtynskyi, P. Saik, V. Lozynskyi, B. Toleuov, V. Sulaiev, V. Buketov Determining the parameters of stratification cavity in rock mass to extract mine methane 30
A. V. Pavlychenko, O. O. Shustov, T. M. Kaliuzhna, A. O. Otiuskyi Research on the rational profile of exit trails of auto transport in deep open mines 36
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 41
Z. R. Malanchuk, A. O. Khrystyuk, S. Ye. Stets, V. V. Semeniuk, L. O. Malanchuk Substantiation of research results on energy efficiency of basalt crushing 41
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 47
S. Berdoudi, M. A. R. Morsli, Z. Mekti, A. Benselhoub Numerical study on deformation around underground mining structures (Algeria) 47
Onuchukwu Godwin Chike, Norhayati Binti Ahmad, Uday Basheer Al-Naib Taxonomy on the production processes and characterization of powder metallurgy used in additive manufacturing process 52

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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