Content №6 2021

Geology 5
M. B. Nurpeisova, M. Zh. Bitimbayev, K. B. Rysbekov, Sh. Sh. Bekbasarov Forecast changes in the geodynamic regime of geological environment during large-scale subsoil development 5
Doaa T. Fadhil, Mustafa A. Theyab, Aboosh Al-Hadidy Petrographical and microfacies study of Sinjar formation in Bazyan anticline, Sulaimaniyah region (Northern Iraq) 11
Mining 16
S. F. Vlasov, Ye. V. Moldavanov Effect of geological and technological parameters on the convergence in a stope 16
G. Moldabayeva, R. Suleimenova, N. Buktukov, M. Mergenov Improvement of oil field development using enhanced oil recovery methods 23
S. K. Moldabayev, O. O. Sdvyzhkova, D. V. Babets, O. S. Kovrov, T. K. Adil Numerical simulation of the open pit stability based on probabilistic approach 29
V. S. Moshynskyi, V. Ya. Korniienko, Ye. Z. Malanchuk, A. O. Khrystyuk, V. H. Lozynskyi, E. C. Cabana Simulation of amber extraction processes from sandy and clay rocks with stope filling 35
B. Hussan, M. I. Lozynska, D. K. Takhanov, A. O. Oralbay, S. L. Kuzmin Assessing the quality of drilling-and-blasting operations at the open pit limiting contour 42
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 49
V. V. Sobolev, O. V. Skobenko, I. I. Usyk, V. V. Kulivar, A. V. Kurliak Formation of converging cylindrical detonation front 49
B. B. Rokhman, N. I. Dunayevska, V. G. Vyfatnuik, I. V. Beztsennyi Co-firing of gas coal dust fine particles and synthetic peat gas. Part 1. Simulation of processes of steam-air gasification of peat in a fixed bed and combustion of dust and gas mix in a stream 57

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