Analysis of economic efficiency of the electronic procurement system application at an industrial enterprise

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N.S. Medzhybovska, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Odessa National Economic University, Professor, Odessa, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop the arguments for the electronic procurement systems implementation at industrial enterprises. To prove the dependence of electronic procurement systems implementation results from the level of profit of an industrial enterprise. To find the perspective directions for development of electronic procurement systems in Ukraine.

Methods.  For this purpose we used the cross-correlation-regressive analysis method. To study the influence of information systems on industrial enterprise activity, namely, estimation of methods of Internet connection, we used the expert estimations and analysis method.

Findings. We have proved the economic efficiency of the electronic procurement system implementation at industrial enterprises and the dependence of its results on the level of enterprise profit.

Originality. To prove the dependence of electronic procurement system implementation results from the level of industrial enterprise profits a new complex of indices was used. This complex includes the level of automation and level of technical equipment of the industrial enterprise. The economic efficiency is calculated on the basis of influence of the electronic procurement systems on the enterprise profit margin. It intends reduction of expenses and revenue increase due to operating savings and funds release because of inventory decreasing.

Practical value. We have found the strategic directions for the electronic procurement systems development in Ukraine. Large enterprises which have a wide network of business partners should become the initiators of electronic procurement systems implementation in Ukraine. The role of facilitator of electronic procurement systems implementation can be undertaken by the government bodies.  


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