Automated control of ore filling degree of tumbling mills

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M.A. Alekseyev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution „National Mining University“, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Head of the Department of Software Engineering, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

FarisSamirRasmiAlhоri, State Higher Educational Institution „National Mining University“, Postgraduateof the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Scientific justification and development of the method for automatic control and ore filling optimization of ball and non-ball tumbling mills by the active power signals of electric motors of ball mill and magnetic separator in the process of magnetic enrichment of ores with varying physical and mechanical properties.

Methodology. We have involved mathematical modeling of technological complex of iron ore magnetic separation using proven mathematical models of ball and non-ball tumbling mills, classifying machines and magnetic separators, models of formation of active power signals of drive motors of mills and classifiers.

Findings. We have established new regularities of formation of static characteristics of ball and non-ball tumbling mills working in series with magnetic separators. This allowed us to develop the method and system of automated control of the optimum degree of filling of tumbling mills with ore.

Originality. It is found that the degree of mill drum filling with oreis being determined by the sign of the first derivative signal of the active power of the electric motor of magnetic separator by the active power signal of the mill motor. For wet autogenous grinding mills if the sign is positive, then there is underutilization of mill with ore, and if the sign is negative, then there is an overload of mill with ore. For ball mills the positive sign of the derivative characterizes the mill overload with ore, and the negative sign of the derivative characterizes the overload of mill with ore. It is proposed to determine the derivative sign by the sign of the correlation coefficient between the degrees of active power of the electric mill and the magnetic separator.

Practical value. We have developed the principles of automated control of the optimum degree of tumbling mills filling with ore that has varying physical and mechanical properties, this allows us to improve the productivity and quality of iron ore concentrate, reduces ore overgrinding and iron losses in tailings.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.4 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Automated control of ore filling degree of tumbling mills