The choice and substantiation of the technological parameters of tailing formation in an overburden dump body

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G.A. Kholodnyakov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Mineral Resource University “University of Mines”, Professor of the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits, St. Petersburg, Russia.

K.R. Argimbayev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Mineral Resource University “University of Mines”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits, St. Petersburg, Russia.


Purpose. To develop the algorithm for choosing and substantiating of the parameters of the technological scheme of formation of overburden dumps in the form of a container for tailings placement.

Methodology. The method of complex research includes: three-dimensional parametric modeling; the research results analysis by means of specialized software systems; and mathematical analysis.

Findings. The technological schemes of creation of the overburden dumps in the form of containers for further accommodation of the the existing, current and projected industrial wastes consider the following:

– Direct formation of the overburden dumps in the form of containers from the overburden currently produced during open cast mining.

– Formation of an additional tier from the materials of the overburden dump on the top of it. It involves dump slope strengthening to ensure the necessary safety; platform firming; and creating the tier in the form of containers for industrial waste.

– Recasting of a part of the existing overburden dump and forming of a container along one of the slopes.

The algorithm for choosing the method of creation of the overburden dump in the form of container for industrial waste disposal has been suggested.

The methodology for determining the parameters of the overburden dumps in the form of containers for industrial waste disposal has been developed. It takes into account the size and the number of pads formed; stability factor of the overburden dump slopes; overburden volume required for the pads formation; volume of the material for the impervious screen construction, width of road on the top of the overburden dump.

Originality. The concept of overburden dumps utilization as containers for placement of tailings received the new approach of configuration them in the form of containers. The method of calculating of the parameters of the overburden dumps shaped in the form of containers for disposal of industrial wastes of various classes of risk taking into account the cost of the objects has been suggested.

Practical value. We have obtained the additional way of the overburden dumps complex utilization improvement which is of importance for technical and economic evaluation of feasibility of use of the overburden dumps for emplacement of wastes of mining and processing enterprises and their further involving in production process.


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