Development of physic-chemical theory of effective stress for sandy soils
A.D. Potapov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, FGBOU VPO “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Head of the Department of Engineering Geology and Geoecology, Moscow, Russia.
I.A. Potapov, FGBOU VPO “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Engineer of the Department of Engineering Geology and Geoecology, Moscow, Russia.
A.A. Shimenkova, FGBOU VPO “Moscow State University of Civil Engineering”, Engineer of the Department of Engineering Geology and Geoecology, Moscow, Russia.
Purpose. The purpose of research materials, which are described in the article, is a theoretical evaluation of the applicability of new ideas about effective stresses in the soil from the standpoint of physical and chemical theory of academician V.I. Osipov to sandy soils, as representatives of the class of clastic sedimentary rocks. Such an evaluation is of importance; as the common scientific understanding of the formation of soil properties is based on the experimentally confirmed theoretical works of the classics of soil science. These works considered effective stress in soil as a stress transmitted to soil skeleton excluding pore pressure. The main provisions of the new approach describe formation of effective stress in the clay soils most accurately.
Methodology. The main methods of research were theoretical and experimental study of sandy soils of different origin; generalization analysis of the experimental data which consider the structural characteristics of sand: grain size distribution; morphological characteristics of grains; formation of coagulation, phase, and transition power contacts.
Findings. The analytical synthesis showed that the difference in structural characteristics and sand grains morphology (particles’ shape and surface nature) causes different values of ultimate composition density, optimum moisture content for firming, and strength characteristics. The sand structural features effect on the number of real contacts between its grains and the formation of different types of bound water in soil has been considered.
Originality. The theoretical approach and its experimental proof allowed the new physical-chemical theory of effective stress formation in cohesive soils which can be applied for sandy soils widespread in the earth crust.
Practical value. We now have the possibility to assess the influence of effective stresses on formation of the stress condition of the soils of different lithological and petrographic composition more accurately. The development of the classical theory of effective stresses formation on the basis of physico-chemical concepts is a promising area of soil science and soil mechanics.
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С. 166–181.
Potapov, I.A., Shimenkova, A.A. and Potapov, A.D. (2013), “Formation of different types of power contacts in the sandy soils in the aspect of physical-chemical theory of effective stress”, Vestnik MGSU, no.11, pp. 210–218.
5. Потапов А.Д. Роль плотности-влажности песчаных грунтов в формировании эффективных напряжений с позиций физико-химической теории / А.Д. Потапов, И.А. Потапов, А.А. Шименкова // Вестник МГСУ – 2012. – № 12. – С. 104–110.
Potapov, A.D., Potapov, I.A. and Shimenkova, A.A. (2012), “The role of density, moisture content of sandy soils in the formation of effective stress in terms of physico-chemical theory”. Vestnik MGSU, no. 12, pp. 104–110.
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