The criterion for estimation of an enterprise’s innovative development adaptivity level

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N.V. Gontovaya, State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas States Technical University”, Senior Instructor of the Department of Economy and Management, Postgraduate Student, Alchevsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To work out the criterion which will enable to provide strict formalization of the estimation of the level of the enterprise adaptability to the innovation development on the basis of the actual values of the level of the enterprise receptivity to innovations and the level of the enterprise resistance to the innovations influence with the account of the natural laws stipulating the cyclicity of the process of the enterprise innovation adaptation.

Methodology. The given estimation criterion of the level of the enterprise adaptability to the innovation development has been worked out using methods of many-valued logic.

Findings.The criterion determining the functional interconnection between the level of the enterprise innovation adaptability and its indicators has been formulated. The developed criterion makes it possible to evaluate the level of the enterprise innovation adaptability on the basis of the actual values of the enterprise resistance level to innovations and the enterprise receptivity level to innovations. The criterion is referred to the structure of the cycle of the enterprise innovation adaptation, thus ensuring formalization of the account of the natural laws providing the cyclicity of the enterprise innovation adaptation process which makes it possible to estimate the level of the enterprise innovation adaptability at any point of its innovation development path.

Originality. The developed criterion makes it possible to determine the enterprise innovation adaptability as the index characterizing the result of the combination of the actual level of the enterprise resistance to innovations and the actual level of the enterprise receptivity to innovations at any point of the innovation development path. This solves the contradiction of simultaneous providing the stability and the changeability of the enterprise as the subject of adaptation.

Practical value. The criterion is one of the instruments to estimate the level of the enterprise adaptability to the innovation development. It can be used in the process of forming the system of analytical providing monitoring of the actual level of the enterprise innovation adaptability.




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